Sunday, July 10, 2011

Funny Movie Collections Volume 2

Van Wilder 2 (The Legend is Growing)
Delta Farce (The Few. The Prove, The Clufifte)
Jay and Silence Bob Strike Back (Two idots man)

Van Wilder Two tells of a man who came from India, and attend school at Duke University in England. With all kinds of styles of India and are known by Van Willder wants to implement it at the school. Bullying from school friends to friends of the contracted out, making them weak so depressed.

Delta Farce (The Few. The Prove, The Clufifte), tells of a soldier who is sent to the Middle East, his plane crashed in Mexico. Finally they tried to survive in a ruthless fight against the mafia that is accompanied by the story of their romance.

Jay and Silence Bob Strike Back, tells the story of two idiots who became famous. But they ultimately remained uncomfortable for the predicate.

Van Wilder Two mengisahkan seseorang yang berasal dari India, dan melanjutkan sekolah di Universitas Bangsawan di Inggris. Dengan segala macam gaya India dan yang diketahui oleh Van Willder ini ingin menerapkannya di sekolah tersebut. Bullying dari teman-teman sekolahnya terhadap teman-teman satu kontrakkan, membuat mereka yang lemah jadi tertekan.

Delta Farce (The Few. The Prove, The Clufifte), mengisahkan seorang tentara yang akan dikirim ke Timur tengah, pesawatnya jatuh di Mexico. Akhirnya mereka berusaha bertahan hidup dalam melawan mafia kejam yang disertai dengan kisah percintaan mereka.

Jay and Silence Bob Strike Back, mengisahkan dua orang idiot yang menjadi terkenal. Tetapi mereka akhirnya tetap merasa tidak nyaman untuk predikat tersebut.

Film Khusus (Movie Special For):
Dewasa (Adult Only)

Waktu (Running Time Approx):
xx Minutes

Sumber (Source):
Jl. KH Moh. Mansyur 11
Perkantoran Jembatan Lima Permai
Blok B No.20-22
Jakarta Pusat 10140
Telp. (021)638.73270 (Hunting)
Fax (021)638.73271


Ekalokasari Plaza
(0251) 8363.147
DVD Funny Movie Collections Volume 2
Harga Asli (The original price) Rp xx.000,-
Di jual (On sale) Rp 15.000,-

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